Saturday, September 27, 2008


Home sweet home! The Raya break is here and I'm back home! Woohoo!! Well i was already home on Wednesday but yela, nak rehat-rehat and all that. But there's one thing yang agak bad everytime I come home: Buka puasa. Makanan sedap dan banyak. Ugh. Scary. So banyak choices of food, it scares me. Like on Thursday night, we had Nasi Bukhari, Ayam Goreng, Mee Goreng, Pisang Goreng, Karipap, Dodol, and banyak lagi lah for buka puasa. Whew~. What a feast! Haha. =]
And today we had Nasi Goreng, Meehoon Sup, Jemput-jemput, Karipap, and this fried Oyster Mushrooms. Delicious with a capital D! By what I've listed down, looks like I'm gaining more pounds each day huh?

Well I'm proud to say that I didn't eat too much or more than enough. I ate a lot, yes, but yang cukup-cukup punya portion la. I mean, I stopped when I know it's enough for me and I didn't eat more than what was enough. Bagus, kan? Hehe. But still, I do feel like I've gained weight.

The thing is, just today or yesterday someone said that I've slimmed down. Come again? And this person haven't seen me for a few months. Even my parents said that I've slimmed down a little when I asked them. Is this for real? When I looked at myself in the mirror, uhm..nope. The same old me. Tak nampak ade turun skit pon. Not even a slightest bit. But people say that kite sendiri takley nampak sangat and other people can see changes. Well, whatever la kan. It's just that I was quite surprised with what I heard lah. This is good news, isn't it? Well, keep moving forward, and don't stop trying to lose weight!! Go, go, go!!! =D


sophness said...

ofcos you can make it. :) i'll pray for you.hehe selamat hari raya btw!

Anonymous said...

don't forget to take before and after pics!

Ikha Zakaria said...

you go ely ;)