Sunday, September 7, 2008

An Introduction

Are you not satisfied with what you have? Or with what you are? Almost everyone would answer yes to that! So will I. And what is it that I am not really satisfied with myself? Well, the most important thing people nowadays ambik kisah about: Physical appearances and in my case, my body.
Yes, betul tu. I am thankful for everything that God has given me, but somehow, people around me tend to make me feel uncomfortable about the way I am, and that is not healthy. Yeah, I do wish I could have one of those beautiful celebrities' bodies. I even fantasize about it. Laugh all you want but hey, sape yang tak daydream right?

Anyways, the point of me writing all this is because I have a 'mission'. I think that if I don't write anything, then it might not just work. Nak tau ape mission saye? Well, I am hoping to 'shrink down' a little from what I am now. Why haven't I done this ages ago, you ask? For your information, I did. I tried almost everything (taklah sampai nak operate) but it just didn't work. It did, but not that much of a result. Whoever said Impossible Is Nothing might just be out of their mind. Impossible is something and the whole 'impossible is nothing' tu tak apply to everyone ok.

Oh and just so you know, I'm not doing this sebab orang suka thin people, but I am doing this for the sake of my health. I've been told a million times that with my body condition, health risks are high. I never really cared that much before ni, but after experiencing sakit-sakit here and there mungkin and just mungkinlah boleh lead to something else jugak. Hehe. =]

Ini pon dah bulan puase so according to a friend of mine, it might be easier for me to jalankan this 'mission' lah. However, no one actually knows that I'm really gonna do it this time for real. Usually tak pernah jadi and I ended up being how I used to be which is plain fat. No, no. Not plain, extraordinary. Yup. So this time, I would try and try really hard to kuruskan my body so that I could fit to a size 14. Slowly la kan. Takkan nak terus ke size 2? Hehe. Cheh, cakap je lebih. I, of course know myself and I know that I am not disciplined enough to do such things. Dari dulu lagi. But this time, I really need to make this happen because kalau bukan sekarang, bile lagi kan?

So to everyone out there, I hope you people will support me in trying to capai my mission no matter what. I know it'll be a long, long way, but let's just hope it happens. With my own effort, of course! =]
I'll be updating with the progress and I'm praying to God to make this a little easier for me. +] Yelah, plus, I'm currently not at home and at college. So lagi susah la kan? Sigh~
Wish me luck ok! And I wish myself the best of luck too! Hopefully you'll succeed in slimming your body to a size 14! Viel G
lueck, Schatzi! +]

Oh yeah. To all of you people out there, those who always judge a book by its cover, think again. Appearances. Is it really everything? Are you so sure that whatever you see that is beautiful, good to look at on the outside could ensure good quality on the inside? Yelah, people nowadays only like to be friends with the beautiful crowd je. Not that I have anything against it. It's just that agak susah nak nampak that special bond of friendship you could always see in movies like where a nerd is the best friend of the most popular kid in school. So a little news flash for you: The true beauty lies within. Think wisely la ok? That is where you could find your true and real friends and even your true love. Well this is not an order, just a reminder. =]

Apa-apa pon, again, all the best to ME!!!! =D

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