Monday, September 8, 2008

Eat, Eat, And Eat Some More!

Well, well, well. Today was a busy day. A really busy and hectic day. I had classes from morning til evening, just an hour or so before buka puase and yeah, memanglah tiring. I didn't have the time to exercise or anything but the distance from the hostel to my class would take forever so boleh dikatakan macam dah exercise dah la (without notice). Hehe.

So like during one of those classes my friends decided that why don't all of us buka puase kat luar. It'll be fun buka ramai-ramai and not buying the same food from the bazaar ramadhan or the dining hall over and over again. So we went out right after our last class which finished at 5 something and went straight to town.

After buying barang-barang keperluan yang sudah kehabisan stok and jalan-jalan through malls, we went to this Indian restaurant to buka puase. It was not an ordinary mamak restaurant but quite a normal and classy Indian restaurant which serves Indian Cuisine la of course! Duh. Oh, and it is quite affordable too. =]
Anyways, this is where I blew it. Of course kiteorang lapar gile sebab tak makan the whole day and damn tired after a lot of walking NOT only dekat malls, but also here and there kat college to go from one class to another. But I still have to control my food consumption, don't I?

Well guess what I ordered untuk buka puase? Banana Leaf Rice or senang cerita the famous Nasi Daun Pisang. Terrific. And not only that, I also ordered one or two extra dishes to eat it with. Of course share ngan kawan jugak la. +]
And the portion was lebih kurang macam ni la:

Don't tell me Nasi Daun Pisang is not tempting if you're really hungry! (By the way, please ignore the hand) With all those veggies and spices and curry and your empty tummy, one would sure have that for buka puase. Without a doubt! Looks like my nafsu makan is still standing strong lah. So ok, fine. That was for buka puase. What made things worse was what happened after that: All of us, craving for Starbucks. Superb!

I know I should somehow hold back and I could just get a bottle of mineral water from the magazine stand but NO..I wanted Starbucks too because it's been forever since I had any. But hey, how can you blame your throat for wanting a cool dessert? So I ordered my regular: A tall Chocolate Frappucino, no whipped cream, no chips, with an extra chocolate drizzle. Yum! Chocolate heaven! =]
But suddenly..

Why? WHY? Why did I have to see that beautiful piece next to the counter, along with his other fellow mates? Why did I have to see that beautiful piece of Chicken Sausage Roll behind that evil glass, calling me for help and asking me to release him? I am, just so you know, a very, very, VERY kind-hearted person, especially to makanan yang meminta tolong and boleh saye dengari bile diperlukan pertolongan. +D

So I guess dah boleh agaklah, I bought the thing. Had both in the car and just like I expected, bloated-ready-to-explode tummy came my way. Lepas tu baru regret. Bagus kan?
But no worries, sampai-sampai je kat college we had to walk back all the way to the hostel. One hell of an unprepared workout! But honestly, out of that 100% of fat from the food, I think only 10% or less were burned after walking. Hehe. Ok, so I made like huge mistakes on one day. I had everything on one go and our evening sure was FUN. Gotta learn your lesson, missy!! No more fooling around or kesian kat makanan! Get serious!!



Truly a welcome change..:-)
Intention is set. Just focus and be disciplined. As they said;

Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life's problems. Without discipline we can solve nothing. With only some discipline we can solve only some problems. With total discipline we can solve all problems.

Go gurl! ;-)

Impossible..? said...

Hey thanks a bunch on the comment which really made me feel quite motivated. I just hope it'll stay longer than leaving me so soon. Hehe. Well I'm really trying to be disciplined. It's really a tough job! Slowly I guess. But thanks a lot ok!! +D