Saturday, September 20, 2008

Humiliation, Humiliation

What a beautiful sunny day. And I'm quite excited. Why? I'm finally meeting my friends whom I haven't seen for months! Well during the day I worked out a little. I walked up and down the stairs since I had nothing to do, and I woke up quite late. So after dandan-ing myself and all, my friend picked me up and we went to Pavillion. We went and buka ramai-ramai at Nando's. It's been like ages since I had anything from Nando's. What I had was ok kot. Not too much food on the plate. =]

Ok kan? Yay for me! =] Anyways, after that what did we do? Meet our other friends! As the saying goes, 'the more the merrier'! Hehe. We lepak at a spot and after that we planned to go somewhere to sing, nak karaoke lerr. We stopped somewhere in Ampang and this was where something quite unexpected and humiliating happened. We stopped there to go to the bank but apparently all the ATM machines were not functioning and we had to wait til 1am because by then it will berjalan seperti biase, so said the guard. It was almost 1 so we went to McD for ice cream. This was where it happened. My friend and I wanted the McFlurry with Berries and she ordered it for me. By the time the worker dah siap buat the thing, we said thanks and you know what she said? She told me this: "Yang ni untuk awak eh", pointing at one cup. I was really blur at the time and I said, "Apesal eh ni untuk saye?" and she just laughed. When I looked in the cup, still wondering why, that was when I understood what she meant. The portion of the McFlurry made especially for me was lagi banyak than the one for my friend. But I said nothing because I was blur at the time and I just went. I didn't tell my friends at the time but when I told them a little later, they were surprisingly angry at me for not saying something back to that terrible, horrible woman.

What a humiliation. And embarrassment. I know I should have said something but I was in a blur and at the same time, hurt. Yeah, I'm huge, big, fat. But why must she treat me like a humongous giant? It's like I was Clifford the Dog or something and nothing can satisfy my appetite. But with all the comfort from my friends, I didn't think too much about what happened and all of us went to the bank balik. Darn, it still won't work. And it was already half past one!
And at that particular moment, a friend of mine ajak makan cucuk-cucuk or yong tau foo kat vendor tepi bank tu. Nampak aje mata die! And NO, it was not MY eyes ok! Hehe. Well, ape lagi? Kiteorang agak lapar so, serbu!! =D

Some people might think that these vendors can be quite kotor sometimes or most of the times, but depends jugak la. Tengok la betul-betul kan? And this one seemed to be ok. And quite yummy, too! Even though vendor haram, tapi agak ok la. Kiteorang pon bukannye kisah sangat. Hehe. Haram pon, look at what we had:

Yummy!! Sedap! Satu ringgit per stick. Tapi worth it jugak la. I mean, look at that size! Haha. But the good news was I didn't eat everything alone lah. Sharing is caring right? Hehe. And after our second or third round, we witnessed something yang agak penuh dengan suspen. Macam dalam Gerak Khas. Apparently somebody called the DBKL and orang yang tukang jual ni kelam-kabut kemas barang la. Just imagine, carrying the whole table loaded with food AND the hot boiling broth ke belakang building ke mane tah sebab nak sorok it before the authorities datang. Thank goodness diorang sempat! When the DBKL people came, diorang cuma dapat amik besi yang jadi base for the table je. Pity them, but yeah, people gotta live, kan? At least we got a taste of what they had to offer. And it was good. =]
What an adventure. Hehe.

Anyhoo, after that we went ronda-ronda and all that and my plan to make the most of it with my friends that night was accomplished. I got adventure and humiliation all in one night. And tons of fun. +]
I also got a few more tips and advices from my GUY friends! Honestly, agak malu la. But yeah, they were trying to help and I appreciated that. But really, what happened to me with that bloody woman memang tak boleh dilupakan. Boleh tak kalau dunia ni takde nafsu nak make fun of other people, insult and humiliate them? Make them feel bad about themselves? Menyusahkan!

By the way, sorry panjang sangat! Jangan malas membaca! *Winks* =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know wat girl..
i think you shoulda jus threw the cup at her face or slap her!

stupid bit#h