Friday, September 19, 2008

Curse you McDonald's!!!

I was thinking to kurangkan consuming food which are not that healthy, in other words: Junk Food and Fast Food. Well it was working quite well and I haven't thought about it that much but then, one day, that 'working quite well' changed.
I was minding my own business, at the mall, buying barang keperluan yang sudah kehabisan stok, when my friend called. She asked me to buy her McD. No hal la of course. When I got there, wham! New Product: Spicy Chicken McNuggets and Shaker Fries. Whoa. Dugaan, I told myself, dugaan. Sesungguhnya saya berpuasa. Yup, kept playing in my head but then, that same head of mine told me that I haven't gotten anything for buka puase so yeah, ended up buying a large set. Beautiful. And can you believe it? It was really, really, REALLY good!! Especially the nuggets. Honestly, 9 pieces weren't enough. Hehe.

That recipe I got with the oatmeal turned out to be ok afterall. I mean the first attempt tu tak brape ok la. Honestly, it was nasty. Tapi dah cube again, better. It looked lebih kurang macam ni la:

Disgusting? Haha thought so. Looks more like chocolate, kan? Well it's actually a mixture of oatmeal, tuna, pepper and a little soy sauce. You may puke now. Dah masuk the soy sauce you would probably think I'm crazy or something kan? But it's actually not that bad! Ok je. I was supposed to put in Marmite or Vegemite but apparently sebesar-besar Tesco tu takde, boleh tak? Entah mende diorang jual pon tatau la! Ish! But I've tried the other recipe which ade Vegemite in it, and boy, sedap kot! Hehe. Well, I like it lah. And I'm glad that I tried it. Hee.

Anyways, I'm having the oatmeal for every sahur, or maybe breakfast after Ramadhan is over. Looks like I'm controlling what I eat, right? Not correct! Apparently, for the last three, four days I've been going out and I bought that particular Spicy McNuggets set for buka puase. Unbelievable. What's more unbelievable is that I'm not only having that for buka. Macam tak cukup la. God!

Well currently I'm not in college and back home for the weekend and guess what? I had the same Spicy McNuggets set YESTERDAY and TODAY! Lagi terrific! I didn't work out that much today. But my mouth did get some exercise by talking and laughing with friends whom I haven't seen for quite some time, and those whom I just met today. Oh yeah, and by munching. A whole lot of exercise there!

Well here are some of the tips I got from a few people:

1. Try to walk 15-30 minutes everyday. If you can push harder, then perhaps an hour terus.
2. Eat less rice (better yet, don't eat any) and definitely no noodles.
3. Brown rice and brown bread lagi better.
4. Do it step by step and not terus-menerus, or else your body will be in shock.
5. Skipping 10-15 minutes.
6. Drink lots of water, and NOT iced.
7. Stop telling yourself that you can't do it, and start saying that you can!
8. Dancing is also an exercise.
9. People who tease you are actually motivating you to lose weight.
10. Love yourself, no matter what.

Got anymore ideas? I could use some more. Thanks a bunch to those who gave me these helpful tips which I am still trying to absorb slowly and willingly. But for now, all I can say is, "Curse you McDonald's!! Kenape kene produce such good food and unhealthy at the same time?"
But how could I blame them? It is me who should be blamed. But I love myself. Tip number 10: Love yourself, no matter what. So how could I be mad? *Shrugs*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

spicy noogets.