Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today is a Saturday. And I slept the whole day. Literally. But not til buka la. I woke up like in the evening and I don't exactly know why I would sleep that long while I could have done something useful like studying, exercising or cleaning the room, perhaps? Tapi tak. Instead, I was sleeping like a baby. Ok maybe not a baby, it's too sopan and cute. Sleeping like a hippo. Yup. A hippo. =]

For buka today I had rice again, which was really good. At least it wasn't fried! It was called Nasi Daging. It looked more like Nasi Bukhari. Tapi wannabe punye version la. It looked healthy but I seriously need to cut down on rice la. Agak bosan la makan nasi everyday. Tapi I still ambik nasi for buka even though ade noodles and so on! Anyways, I think I ate quite a lot today and not quite a lot jugak. How goes that? Well, the nasi thing was quite an 'ok' portion and I had some keropok which my friend brought back from home. Yum! And the 'not quite a lot jugak' part was that I controlled my intake and didn't eat too much la. I was proud of myself on that part. Hehe. =D

I had a long talk with me beloved uncle tonight and I learned LOTS of things. Not only about education and other stuff, but also about me trying to lose weight. He also gave me ideas on what I could eat for sahur instead of the normal rice-and-lauk routine. I'll try la tomorrow or something. Can't wait! Hehe. Gosh I miss him so much!! Oh and guess what? I know I should have at least exercise while trying to control my food intake but with all the rain and bangun lambat, tak dapat la kan. But just now, I finally exercise sikit. I mean yang official punye exercise la: skipping. Yes. Pegang tali and lompat-lompat tu. That's the one. I don't know why but I felt like moving around. Impressive or should I say surprising, huh? Haha. Two thumbs up for me! =D

Well that was quite about it la for today. Not much progress but I'm still trying. Like someone used to say to me, "Slowly and don't rush yourself ok. Weight don't just shed overnight. It might take a long time but it'll pay off. Trust me." Well I should really keep that in mind, alright! That same person also said this, "By the end of the day you should know that it all depends on one person: YOU. If you sendiri tak boleh nak make yourself do this, no one can." He's right. Damn right. I can't just simply let it come and go. I should let it COME AND STAY. I should do that.

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