Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slowly la ok?

Another day, another adventure. I missed my 9am class this morning. The reason? I slept at 7am. Why? Can't sleep the whole night and was busy entertaining myself with the joyful world of Internet. Anyways, I was sweating my bum off walking to my 11am class and while walking on the Hill of No Mercy (panggil macam tu sebab EVERYONE would be like really exhausted after jalan atas bukit tu), a car stopped in front of me. Ingatkan ape, rupenye it was two of my classmates, who offered me a ride to class. Of course I said YES! I mean, it's the Hill of No Mercy we're talking about here! And besides, it was already 10.58 so I needed to rush, obviously. Now don't be mad just because I pushed away my chance of having a short morning 'exercise'. I needed to rush, and I was already breathing hard. So ade la sikit workout jugak kan? Hehe. +D

I don't know why, but I felt so energetic today in class. Just a little sleepy but once we had to go to the library to search for materials, I was more active than ever! I mean, moving here and there like a drunk cockroach. Quite a speed! (I hate insects, by the way.) But by the time me and my friends got back to the hostel around 1pm, my friend told me to get some sleep since I had none for the last two days. I told her I was not sleepy but then, sampai bilik, bace novel and after a chapter, terus ngantuk and slept. Plus the weather was cloudy, cool and breezy. The next thing I knew I woke up at 6.15, sweating. Cool and breezy la sangat~! Hehe. All I could think of that time was to shower and get ready nak makan! +D

Today for buka puase was quite an accomplishment. I didn't buy too much food and I think it was an 'ok' portion:

Okay la kan? A small portion of fried rice, a chicken drumstick, one fried egg, stir-fried cabbages, two nuggets (my friend had one), and water all the way. Oh yeah, iced lemon tea before that. Hehe. But I thought what I had was a bit useless because everything was fried. But I didn't have any other choices! I have to eat, don't I?

I was still hungry (uh-huh) after makan and I wanted to continue makan something else. I should have known it was all in my head and I wasn't really that hungry! My tummy was just whining because it was used to how much I usually stuffed them with. I was this close to spreading tuna on a cracker when 'an angel from above' stopped me from doing a 'sin'. My friend la. She stopped me from eating more and said I could eat later if I wanted to. She said I had enough for buka puase so save it for later. She was right. Just imagine if I continued. God! Thank goodness she stopped me. THANK YOU!!

We still ade lagi satu class after buka and the rain poured like no one's business. The best part was that it rained suddenly and heavily just as we were about to go to class! It's like they were trying to send us a message: Go back upstairs and sleep. If only all of us could. Unfortunately, we had a test to write and we had to go no matter what. And the not-so-bright side was that I didn't have an umbrella. Tumpang my friend's umbrella, but it was as if I wasn't using any, because the rain poured like crazy. But I made through the rain anyway! I was practically wet, and I would definitely look like one of those hot bods with that wet effect if I wasn't this huge. Ooh sexaay!

After class of course lapar and I wanted to have supper (Was that necessary? Wait. Don't answer that). From a cup of noodles, to spreaded tuna on crackers, to twisted olive crunchy pastry, I was definitely eating like an animal. Honest. And I hated it. I hated what I did. And I hated myself for regretting after I finished eating. Oh and for your information, I did not eat by myself ok! =]
All of us enjoyed the food we had but only after that that I asked my friend if what I had was too much. Obviously it was. I just really don't know how I can control my mind to stop eating when I'm supposed to and how to say NO whenever my tummy's grumbling knowing the fact that I'm not that hungry. Perhaps right now, the first thing I should focus on is trying to control my food intake and knowing when to say NO to 'fake hunger'. Any ideas, perhaps?
I don't know if I could do it. I have to do it. Like it or not, I have to try, but slowly la. Step by step. Can't do everything at once, kan? =]

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