Saturday, September 27, 2008


Home sweet home! The Raya break is here and I'm back home! Woohoo!! Well i was already home on Wednesday but yela, nak rehat-rehat and all that. But there's one thing yang agak bad everytime I come home: Buka puasa. Makanan sedap dan banyak. Ugh. Scary. So banyak choices of food, it scares me. Like on Thursday night, we had Nasi Bukhari, Ayam Goreng, Mee Goreng, Pisang Goreng, Karipap, Dodol, and banyak lagi lah for buka puasa. Whew~. What a feast! Haha. =]
And today we had Nasi Goreng, Meehoon Sup, Jemput-jemput, Karipap, and this fried Oyster Mushrooms. Delicious with a capital D! By what I've listed down, looks like I'm gaining more pounds each day huh?

Well I'm proud to say that I didn't eat too much or more than enough. I ate a lot, yes, but yang cukup-cukup punya portion la. I mean, I stopped when I know it's enough for me and I didn't eat more than what was enough. Bagus, kan? Hehe. But still, I do feel like I've gained weight.

The thing is, just today or yesterday someone said that I've slimmed down. Come again? And this person haven't seen me for a few months. Even my parents said that I've slimmed down a little when I asked them. Is this for real? When I looked at myself in the mirror, uhm..nope. The same old me. Tak nampak ade turun skit pon. Not even a slightest bit. But people say that kite sendiri takley nampak sangat and other people can see changes. Well, whatever la kan. It's just that I was quite surprised with what I heard lah. This is good news, isn't it? Well, keep moving forward, and don't stop trying to lose weight!! Go, go, go!!! =D

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Humiliation, Humiliation

What a beautiful sunny day. And I'm quite excited. Why? I'm finally meeting my friends whom I haven't seen for months! Well during the day I worked out a little. I walked up and down the stairs since I had nothing to do, and I woke up quite late. So after dandan-ing myself and all, my friend picked me up and we went to Pavillion. We went and buka ramai-ramai at Nando's. It's been like ages since I had anything from Nando's. What I had was ok kot. Not too much food on the plate. =]

Ok kan? Yay for me! =] Anyways, after that what did we do? Meet our other friends! As the saying goes, 'the more the merrier'! Hehe. We lepak at a spot and after that we planned to go somewhere to sing, nak karaoke lerr. We stopped somewhere in Ampang and this was where something quite unexpected and humiliating happened. We stopped there to go to the bank but apparently all the ATM machines were not functioning and we had to wait til 1am because by then it will berjalan seperti biase, so said the guard. It was almost 1 so we went to McD for ice cream. This was where it happened. My friend and I wanted the McFlurry with Berries and she ordered it for me. By the time the worker dah siap buat the thing, we said thanks and you know what she said? She told me this: "Yang ni untuk awak eh", pointing at one cup. I was really blur at the time and I said, "Apesal eh ni untuk saye?" and she just laughed. When I looked in the cup, still wondering why, that was when I understood what she meant. The portion of the McFlurry made especially for me was lagi banyak than the one for my friend. But I said nothing because I was blur at the time and I just went. I didn't tell my friends at the time but when I told them a little later, they were surprisingly angry at me for not saying something back to that terrible, horrible woman.

What a humiliation. And embarrassment. I know I should have said something but I was in a blur and at the same time, hurt. Yeah, I'm huge, big, fat. But why must she treat me like a humongous giant? It's like I was Clifford the Dog or something and nothing can satisfy my appetite. But with all the comfort from my friends, I didn't think too much about what happened and all of us went to the bank balik. Darn, it still won't work. And it was already half past one!
And at that particular moment, a friend of mine ajak makan cucuk-cucuk or yong tau foo kat vendor tepi bank tu. Nampak aje mata die! And NO, it was not MY eyes ok! Hehe. Well, ape lagi? Kiteorang agak lapar so, serbu!! =D

Some people might think that these vendors can be quite kotor sometimes or most of the times, but depends jugak la. Tengok la betul-betul kan? And this one seemed to be ok. And quite yummy, too! Even though vendor haram, tapi agak ok la. Kiteorang pon bukannye kisah sangat. Hehe. Haram pon, look at what we had:

Yummy!! Sedap! Satu ringgit per stick. Tapi worth it jugak la. I mean, look at that size! Haha. But the good news was I didn't eat everything alone lah. Sharing is caring right? Hehe. And after our second or third round, we witnessed something yang agak penuh dengan suspen. Macam dalam Gerak Khas. Apparently somebody called the DBKL and orang yang tukang jual ni kelam-kabut kemas barang la. Just imagine, carrying the whole table loaded with food AND the hot boiling broth ke belakang building ke mane tah sebab nak sorok it before the authorities datang. Thank goodness diorang sempat! When the DBKL people came, diorang cuma dapat amik besi yang jadi base for the table je. Pity them, but yeah, people gotta live, kan? At least we got a taste of what they had to offer. And it was good. =]
What an adventure. Hehe.

Anyhoo, after that we went ronda-ronda and all that and my plan to make the most of it with my friends that night was accomplished. I got adventure and humiliation all in one night. And tons of fun. +]
I also got a few more tips and advices from my GUY friends! Honestly, agak malu la. But yeah, they were trying to help and I appreciated that. But really, what happened to me with that bloody woman memang tak boleh dilupakan. Boleh tak kalau dunia ni takde nafsu nak make fun of other people, insult and humiliate them? Make them feel bad about themselves? Menyusahkan!

By the way, sorry panjang sangat! Jangan malas membaca! *Winks* =D

Friday, September 19, 2008

Curse you McDonald's!!!

I was thinking to kurangkan consuming food which are not that healthy, in other words: Junk Food and Fast Food. Well it was working quite well and I haven't thought about it that much but then, one day, that 'working quite well' changed.
I was minding my own business, at the mall, buying barang keperluan yang sudah kehabisan stok, when my friend called. She asked me to buy her McD. No hal la of course. When I got there, wham! New Product: Spicy Chicken McNuggets and Shaker Fries. Whoa. Dugaan, I told myself, dugaan. Sesungguhnya saya berpuasa. Yup, kept playing in my head but then, that same head of mine told me that I haven't gotten anything for buka puase so yeah, ended up buying a large set. Beautiful. And can you believe it? It was really, really, REALLY good!! Especially the nuggets. Honestly, 9 pieces weren't enough. Hehe.

That recipe I got with the oatmeal turned out to be ok afterall. I mean the first attempt tu tak brape ok la. Honestly, it was nasty. Tapi dah cube again, better. It looked lebih kurang macam ni la:

Disgusting? Haha thought so. Looks more like chocolate, kan? Well it's actually a mixture of oatmeal, tuna, pepper and a little soy sauce. You may puke now. Dah masuk the soy sauce you would probably think I'm crazy or something kan? But it's actually not that bad! Ok je. I was supposed to put in Marmite or Vegemite but apparently sebesar-besar Tesco tu takde, boleh tak? Entah mende diorang jual pon tatau la! Ish! But I've tried the other recipe which ade Vegemite in it, and boy, sedap kot! Hehe. Well, I like it lah. And I'm glad that I tried it. Hee.

Anyways, I'm having the oatmeal for every sahur, or maybe breakfast after Ramadhan is over. Looks like I'm controlling what I eat, right? Not correct! Apparently, for the last three, four days I've been going out and I bought that particular Spicy McNuggets set for buka puase. Unbelievable. What's more unbelievable is that I'm not only having that for buka. Macam tak cukup la. God!

Well currently I'm not in college and back home for the weekend and guess what? I had the same Spicy McNuggets set YESTERDAY and TODAY! Lagi terrific! I didn't work out that much today. But my mouth did get some exercise by talking and laughing with friends whom I haven't seen for quite some time, and those whom I just met today. Oh yeah, and by munching. A whole lot of exercise there!

Well here are some of the tips I got from a few people:

1. Try to walk 15-30 minutes everyday. If you can push harder, then perhaps an hour terus.
2. Eat less rice (better yet, don't eat any) and definitely no noodles.
3. Brown rice and brown bread lagi better.
4. Do it step by step and not terus-menerus, or else your body will be in shock.
5. Skipping 10-15 minutes.
6. Drink lots of water, and NOT iced.
7. Stop telling yourself that you can't do it, and start saying that you can!
8. Dancing is also an exercise.
9. People who tease you are actually motivating you to lose weight.
10. Love yourself, no matter what.

Got anymore ideas? I could use some more. Thanks a bunch to those who gave me these helpful tips which I am still trying to absorb slowly and willingly. But for now, all I can say is, "Curse you McDonald's!! Kenape kene produce such good food and unhealthy at the same time?"
But how could I blame them? It is me who should be blamed. But I love myself. Tip number 10: Love yourself, no matter what. So how could I be mad? *Shrugs*

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Today is a Saturday. And I slept the whole day. Literally. But not til buka la. I woke up like in the evening and I don't exactly know why I would sleep that long while I could have done something useful like studying, exercising or cleaning the room, perhaps? Tapi tak. Instead, I was sleeping like a baby. Ok maybe not a baby, it's too sopan and cute. Sleeping like a hippo. Yup. A hippo. =]

For buka today I had rice again, which was really good. At least it wasn't fried! It was called Nasi Daging. It looked more like Nasi Bukhari. Tapi wannabe punye version la. It looked healthy but I seriously need to cut down on rice la. Agak bosan la makan nasi everyday. Tapi I still ambik nasi for buka even though ade noodles and so on! Anyways, I think I ate quite a lot today and not quite a lot jugak. How goes that? Well, the nasi thing was quite an 'ok' portion and I had some keropok which my friend brought back from home. Yum! And the 'not quite a lot jugak' part was that I controlled my intake and didn't eat too much la. I was proud of myself on that part. Hehe. =D

I had a long talk with me beloved uncle tonight and I learned LOTS of things. Not only about education and other stuff, but also about me trying to lose weight. He also gave me ideas on what I could eat for sahur instead of the normal rice-and-lauk routine. I'll try la tomorrow or something. Can't wait! Hehe. Gosh I miss him so much!! Oh and guess what? I know I should have at least exercise while trying to control my food intake but with all the rain and bangun lambat, tak dapat la kan. But just now, I finally exercise sikit. I mean yang official punye exercise la: skipping. Yes. Pegang tali and lompat-lompat tu. That's the one. I don't know why but I felt like moving around. Impressive or should I say surprising, huh? Haha. Two thumbs up for me! =D

Well that was quite about it la for today. Not much progress but I'm still trying. Like someone used to say to me, "Slowly and don't rush yourself ok. Weight don't just shed overnight. It might take a long time but it'll pay off. Trust me." Well I should really keep that in mind, alright! That same person also said this, "By the end of the day you should know that it all depends on one person: YOU. If you sendiri tak boleh nak make yourself do this, no one can." He's right. Damn right. I can't just simply let it come and go. I should let it COME AND STAY. I should do that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Slowly la ok?

Another day, another adventure. I missed my 9am class this morning. The reason? I slept at 7am. Why? Can't sleep the whole night and was busy entertaining myself with the joyful world of Internet. Anyways, I was sweating my bum off walking to my 11am class and while walking on the Hill of No Mercy (panggil macam tu sebab EVERYONE would be like really exhausted after jalan atas bukit tu), a car stopped in front of me. Ingatkan ape, rupenye it was two of my classmates, who offered me a ride to class. Of course I said YES! I mean, it's the Hill of No Mercy we're talking about here! And besides, it was already 10.58 so I needed to rush, obviously. Now don't be mad just because I pushed away my chance of having a short morning 'exercise'. I needed to rush, and I was already breathing hard. So ade la sikit workout jugak kan? Hehe. +D

I don't know why, but I felt so energetic today in class. Just a little sleepy but once we had to go to the library to search for materials, I was more active than ever! I mean, moving here and there like a drunk cockroach. Quite a speed! (I hate insects, by the way.) But by the time me and my friends got back to the hostel around 1pm, my friend told me to get some sleep since I had none for the last two days. I told her I was not sleepy but then, sampai bilik, bace novel and after a chapter, terus ngantuk and slept. Plus the weather was cloudy, cool and breezy. The next thing I knew I woke up at 6.15, sweating. Cool and breezy la sangat~! Hehe. All I could think of that time was to shower and get ready nak makan! +D

Today for buka puase was quite an accomplishment. I didn't buy too much food and I think it was an 'ok' portion:

Okay la kan? A small portion of fried rice, a chicken drumstick, one fried egg, stir-fried cabbages, two nuggets (my friend had one), and water all the way. Oh yeah, iced lemon tea before that. Hehe. But I thought what I had was a bit useless because everything was fried. But I didn't have any other choices! I have to eat, don't I?

I was still hungry (uh-huh) after makan and I wanted to continue makan something else. I should have known it was all in my head and I wasn't really that hungry! My tummy was just whining because it was used to how much I usually stuffed them with. I was this close to spreading tuna on a cracker when 'an angel from above' stopped me from doing a 'sin'. My friend la. She stopped me from eating more and said I could eat later if I wanted to. She said I had enough for buka puase so save it for later. She was right. Just imagine if I continued. God! Thank goodness she stopped me. THANK YOU!!

We still ade lagi satu class after buka and the rain poured like no one's business. The best part was that it rained suddenly and heavily just as we were about to go to class! It's like they were trying to send us a message: Go back upstairs and sleep. If only all of us could. Unfortunately, we had a test to write and we had to go no matter what. And the not-so-bright side was that I didn't have an umbrella. Tumpang my friend's umbrella, but it was as if I wasn't using any, because the rain poured like crazy. But I made through the rain anyway! I was practically wet, and I would definitely look like one of those hot bods with that wet effect if I wasn't this huge. Ooh sexaay!

After class of course lapar and I wanted to have supper (Was that necessary? Wait. Don't answer that). From a cup of noodles, to spreaded tuna on crackers, to twisted olive crunchy pastry, I was definitely eating like an animal. Honest. And I hated it. I hated what I did. And I hated myself for regretting after I finished eating. Oh and for your information, I did not eat by myself ok! =]
All of us enjoyed the food we had but only after that that I asked my friend if what I had was too much. Obviously it was. I just really don't know how I can control my mind to stop eating when I'm supposed to and how to say NO whenever my tummy's grumbling knowing the fact that I'm not that hungry. Perhaps right now, the first thing I should focus on is trying to control my food intake and knowing when to say NO to 'fake hunger'. Any ideas, perhaps?
I don't know if I could do it. I have to do it. Like it or not, I have to try, but slowly la. Step by step. Can't do everything at once, kan? =]

Monday, September 8, 2008

Eat, Eat, And Eat Some More!

Well, well, well. Today was a busy day. A really busy and hectic day. I had classes from morning til evening, just an hour or so before buka puase and yeah, memanglah tiring. I didn't have the time to exercise or anything but the distance from the hostel to my class would take forever so boleh dikatakan macam dah exercise dah la (without notice). Hehe.

So like during one of those classes my friends decided that why don't all of us buka puase kat luar. It'll be fun buka ramai-ramai and not buying the same food from the bazaar ramadhan or the dining hall over and over again. So we went out right after our last class which finished at 5 something and went straight to town.

After buying barang-barang keperluan yang sudah kehabisan stok and jalan-jalan through malls, we went to this Indian restaurant to buka puase. It was not an ordinary mamak restaurant but quite a normal and classy Indian restaurant which serves Indian Cuisine la of course! Duh. Oh, and it is quite affordable too. =]
Anyways, this is where I blew it. Of course kiteorang lapar gile sebab tak makan the whole day and damn tired after a lot of walking NOT only dekat malls, but also here and there kat college to go from one class to another. But I still have to control my food consumption, don't I?

Well guess what I ordered untuk buka puase? Banana Leaf Rice or senang cerita the famous Nasi Daun Pisang. Terrific. And not only that, I also ordered one or two extra dishes to eat it with. Of course share ngan kawan jugak la. +]
And the portion was lebih kurang macam ni la:

Don't tell me Nasi Daun Pisang is not tempting if you're really hungry! (By the way, please ignore the hand) With all those veggies and spices and curry and your empty tummy, one would sure have that for buka puase. Without a doubt! Looks like my nafsu makan is still standing strong lah. So ok, fine. That was for buka puase. What made things worse was what happened after that: All of us, craving for Starbucks. Superb!

I know I should somehow hold back and I could just get a bottle of mineral water from the magazine stand but NO..I wanted Starbucks too because it's been forever since I had any. But hey, how can you blame your throat for wanting a cool dessert? So I ordered my regular: A tall Chocolate Frappucino, no whipped cream, no chips, with an extra chocolate drizzle. Yum! Chocolate heaven! =]
But suddenly..

Why? WHY? Why did I have to see that beautiful piece next to the counter, along with his other fellow mates? Why did I have to see that beautiful piece of Chicken Sausage Roll behind that evil glass, calling me for help and asking me to release him? I am, just so you know, a very, very, VERY kind-hearted person, especially to makanan yang meminta tolong and boleh saye dengari bile diperlukan pertolongan. +D

So I guess dah boleh agaklah, I bought the thing. Had both in the car and just like I expected, bloated-ready-to-explode tummy came my way. Lepas tu baru regret. Bagus kan?
But no worries, sampai-sampai je kat college we had to walk back all the way to the hostel. One hell of an unprepared workout! But honestly, out of that 100% of fat from the food, I think only 10% or less were burned after walking. Hehe. Ok, so I made like huge mistakes on one day. I had everything on one go and our evening sure was FUN. Gotta learn your lesson, missy!! No more fooling around or kesian kat makanan! Get serious!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

An Introduction

Are you not satisfied with what you have? Or with what you are? Almost everyone would answer yes to that! So will I. And what is it that I am not really satisfied with myself? Well, the most important thing people nowadays ambik kisah about: Physical appearances and in my case, my body.
Yes, betul tu. I am thankful for everything that God has given me, but somehow, people around me tend to make me feel uncomfortable about the way I am, and that is not healthy. Yeah, I do wish I could have one of those beautiful celebrities' bodies. I even fantasize about it. Laugh all you want but hey, sape yang tak daydream right?

Anyways, the point of me writing all this is because I have a 'mission'. I think that if I don't write anything, then it might not just work. Nak tau ape mission saye? Well, I am hoping to 'shrink down' a little from what I am now. Why haven't I done this ages ago, you ask? For your information, I did. I tried almost everything (taklah sampai nak operate) but it just didn't work. It did, but not that much of a result. Whoever said Impossible Is Nothing might just be out of their mind. Impossible is something and the whole 'impossible is nothing' tu tak apply to everyone ok.

Oh and just so you know, I'm not doing this sebab orang suka thin people, but I am doing this for the sake of my health. I've been told a million times that with my body condition, health risks are high. I never really cared that much before ni, but after experiencing sakit-sakit here and there mungkin and just mungkinlah boleh lead to something else jugak. Hehe. =]

Ini pon dah bulan puase so according to a friend of mine, it might be easier for me to jalankan this 'mission' lah. However, no one actually knows that I'm really gonna do it this time for real. Usually tak pernah jadi and I ended up being how I used to be which is plain fat. No, no. Not plain, extraordinary. Yup. So this time, I would try and try really hard to kuruskan my body so that I could fit to a size 14. Slowly la kan. Takkan nak terus ke size 2? Hehe. Cheh, cakap je lebih. I, of course know myself and I know that I am not disciplined enough to do such things. Dari dulu lagi. But this time, I really need to make this happen because kalau bukan sekarang, bile lagi kan?

So to everyone out there, I hope you people will support me in trying to capai my mission no matter what. I know it'll be a long, long way, but let's just hope it happens. With my own effort, of course! =]
I'll be updating with the progress and I'm praying to God to make this a little easier for me. +] Yelah, plus, I'm currently not at home and at college. So lagi susah la kan? Sigh~
Wish me luck ok! And I wish myself the best of luck too! Hopefully you'll succeed in slimming your body to a size 14! Viel G
lueck, Schatzi! +]

Oh yeah. To all of you people out there, those who always judge a book by its cover, think again. Appearances. Is it really everything? Are you so sure that whatever you see that is beautiful, good to look at on the outside could ensure good quality on the inside? Yelah, people nowadays only like to be friends with the beautiful crowd je. Not that I have anything against it. It's just that agak susah nak nampak that special bond of friendship you could always see in movies like where a nerd is the best friend of the most popular kid in school. So a little news flash for you: The true beauty lies within. Think wisely la ok? That is where you could find your true and real friends and even your true love. Well this is not an order, just a reminder. =]

Apa-apa pon, again, all the best to ME!!!! =D