Tuesday, June 30, 2009

People and Book Covers

Ever had that feeling where you just suddenly hate someone and feel like screaming and killing them? That's how I feel, not right now, but last night. Was trying to make new acquaintances through chatting and then I bumped into this guy (not literally). So we chatted just for a bit and we decided to continue chatting through MSN. So okay, then he started asking me to put on my webcam to say hi. I guess I was kinda dumb for not hiding the webcam symbol and told him I can't use it. Well the main reason was that almost everyone would want you to put on your webcam so that they can see how 'sexy' you are and start masturbating or talking dirty and stuff. I'm sick of that and I don't think I should be too honest when getting to know someone new, on the net, that is.

So anyway, when I got caught of lying to him, he started cursing here and there and judging me and asking why it is so hard to be honest yada yada. I'm not trying to make a big deal out of it, but the things he said, oh god. I feel like killing him, there and then. Why would he want to force me with the whole webcam thingy right? Plus, I am seriously uncomfortable when it comes to using the webcam, especially with strangers. I don't really care about what he thinks, it's just that I don't like leaving people with such an impression towards me. Everyone likes to make good first impressions, don't they? Well it's just the way I am. The things he said provoked me to argue back and ended laughing in the end (me laughing to the silly, tak masuk akal things he said). And come on, I am way too shy to show myself. Maybe it's because of the weight. Those who'd been there surely know how I feel. Please, people. Why should you always judge a book by its cover? Like the guy I was talking about, well according to him he wanted to make sure that it is really me in the picture. Sometimes pictures can do wonders, really. If you know what I mean. =]

Oh well. I have just one thing to say: PLEASE DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER PEOPLE. Doesn't mean that every yummy-looking apple doesn't have a worm inside. Looks can be deceiving. Get to know that someone first before judging them! Don't be like the lunatic I was telling you about. Oh god I feel like shooting him with a revolver in the dining room and hitting him with a candlestick with Colonel Mustard and Professor Plum by my side, helping me. That too, wouldn't be enough I think. It's okay. There's still Mrs. White, Miss Scarlet, Mrs. Peacock, and Mr. Green to help me. =]

My Crew. ;)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Clouds and Rainbows

1.How do you feel when you eat chocolate; before and after?
- Before: "I feel like having chocolates. NOW!"
After: "What did I just do?"

2.Savoury or sweet?
- Savoury. =]

3.Do you eat to live, or live to eat?
- I used to not think about this, but now, I'm trying to set in mind that I EAT TO LIVE.

4.Do you enjoy exercising?
- No.

5.How about walking?
- Oklah. Boleh tahan.

6.Why don't you then?
- Sebab penat.

7.Do you always come up with excuses when it comes to exercising?
- Uhh..yes...?

8.Cherries or a huge Quarter Pounder?
- I gotta choose cherries. Sedap!!

9.When you're watching TV, do you always need to munch on something, even a gum?
- Unfortunately yes. =[

10.Are you hungry now?
- NO! =D

11.Want a lollipop?
- No, thank you. =D

12.If I were to offer you between a delicious 5 course meal and a healthy meal+workout, what would you choose?
- Saya akan pilih the healthy meal+workout. 2 in 1. =]

13.Do you want to be healthy?
- Yes.

14.Are you currently leading a healthy lifestyle?
- I'm learning to. =/

15.Donuts or cakes?
- Neither.

16.Am I making you hungry?
- No, you're making me think twice!

17.After answering these questions, would you go grab something to eat?
- Dah cakap tak lapar kan..

18.Up for a run?
- At this hour? Maybe not. Besok-besok jelah.

19.Did you just make an excuse?
- Apparently I just did. Haha

20.Up for a run?
- Hell yeah! =D

Friday, June 19, 2009

My Own Cooking and Indulgences

So as you can see, there are some which are healthy and there are some which are not. I was having this sudden mood to cook and look what I ended up with.

From top (left): My homemade cupcakes, crispy chicken salad with goat cheese.
Smoked chicken sandwich with carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes, my uncle's special salad.
Oats (savoury and yummy!), self-made chicken nuggets.
Homemade chocolate walnut fudge, Delicious' scones.
Pesto, Delicious' apple crumble.

These are some of what I made myself and what I indulged in (Delicious' desserts) and I got compliments from my siblings. Heheh. I just enjoy cooking. Nothing makes me happier (when I'm in the mood, that is). Oh gosh, should be focusing MORE on SOMETHING else..? Ok ok till then!! =D