Monday, June 22, 2009

Clouds and Rainbows

1.How do you feel when you eat chocolate; before and after?
- Before: "I feel like having chocolates. NOW!"
After: "What did I just do?"

2.Savoury or sweet?
- Savoury. =]

3.Do you eat to live, or live to eat?
- I used to not think about this, but now, I'm trying to set in mind that I EAT TO LIVE.

4.Do you enjoy exercising?
- No.

5.How about walking?
- Oklah. Boleh tahan.

6.Why don't you then?
- Sebab penat.

7.Do you always come up with excuses when it comes to exercising?
- Uhh..yes...?

8.Cherries or a huge Quarter Pounder?
- I gotta choose cherries. Sedap!!

9.When you're watching TV, do you always need to munch on something, even a gum?
- Unfortunately yes. =[

10.Are you hungry now?
- NO! =D

11.Want a lollipop?
- No, thank you. =D

12.If I were to offer you between a delicious 5 course meal and a healthy meal+workout, what would you choose?
- Saya akan pilih the healthy meal+workout. 2 in 1. =]

13.Do you want to be healthy?
- Yes.

14.Are you currently leading a healthy lifestyle?
- I'm learning to. =/

15.Donuts or cakes?
- Neither.

16.Am I making you hungry?
- No, you're making me think twice!

17.After answering these questions, would you go grab something to eat?
- Dah cakap tak lapar kan..

18.Up for a run?
- At this hour? Maybe not. Besok-besok jelah.

19.Did you just make an excuse?
- Apparently I just did. Haha

20.Up for a run?
- Hell yeah! =D

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