Thursday, April 16, 2009

Bonding with Daddy

My final exam is coming up next week, and I am not that prepared, or should I say, I am not prepared at all..? Baca sikit-sikit pon tak masuk kepala, so what's the use, right? Well enough about that. Since I'm at home, I watched a little too much TV and it annoys me parents. Tapi belajar jugak, what..? So I thought that maybe for the time being I wanna workout selang satu hari; like if today I exercised, then tomorrow tak, and lusa workout balik la kan, and today was supposed to be my 'day off'. Yeah.

Anyway, petang tadi masa tengah syok tengok TV ngan my siblings and me mum, my dad came home and okay la kan. Suddenly, just in a flash he was already in his baju bersukan and he straight away cakap to me, "Ni jap lagi awak keluar main badminton ngan saya". Then he was gone to minum kopi. I'm like, uh-huh. Whatever la kan. Then I don't know macam mane dia boleh tak pasal-pasal kat luar dah and terus panggil me to keluar main badminton. whatthehell??

Ok tak kisah la kan tu, besides, I do wanna lose weight kan? So it was kinda fun jugak la, coz I can't really remember the last time I played badminton with my dad! Haha. But I regretted something, though. I didn't change my clothes.
My dad tu dah betul la pakaian bersukan. As for me, I was wearing a friggin pair of shorts and a t-shirt dimana lengannya agak pendek ya, and only God knows berapa banyak nyamuk ada kat situ. I thought that maybe if dah gerak-gerak body ni susah la nyamuk nak aim kan. Tapi tak. Lagi banyak datang. And I was wearing black! Hahaha. Served me right, kan? Wanna see what those black and white Aedes did to me leg?

Ok, I know kaki I besar, but I only wanted to show you what happened after playing badminton kat tepi rumah. Pity me, kan? I know. But in the end, I did get a really good sweat and I'm glad I had it with my dad.

And bila dah mandi, you know what we had for dinner? This:

Yeah. Chili Cheese Fries. It's as if the badminton session takde gunenye kan? Hahaha. I know. Oh god.

Forgive me. Please do. =]

P/s: I did not eat it banyak sangat okay! FYI.


Anonymous said...

atleast u try.

dr i x try lgsung kan.
gela pemalas.

sophness said...

sedappp nye cheese french fries tuu. hehehee cute la your daddy ;)