Friday, April 10, 2009

Any Progress Yet?

Haluu. So yeah, dah lama tak post anything, I guess I'm gonna lay it out to ya. My progress so far. So far, I think I'm doing ok. Not much of a progression, but slowly, yeah. I've been trying a lot of things lately; dancing workouts, core rhythms, and recently, yoga. I did brisk walking and cycling and I've been sweating quite a lot jugak la. I was a bit dissapointed like, two weeks ago, when I checked the scale. It didn't move A BIT! I mean, after the non-stop exercising, don't I deserve just a little reward for my hard work? But I didn't stop there. After two weeks, I found out that the tempat timbang was actually ROSAK and I've been eating not a lot, tapi macam lebih sikit la kan. Heh. But bottom line is, I DID NOT STOP.

Problem sekarangnya ialah my eating pattern. Foods I consume. I think I can do the exercise and all, tapi when it comes to eating, susah sikit la. I think that's my biggest problem for now. I'm eating healthily nowadays and the food portion pon kurang. I'm eating more veggies by the day and I'm starting to get the hang of it. Walaupun dah kurang gak the food intake, somehow I think it's still too much. I have a friend yang tolong jaga my food consumption here in college and I'm glad that I have her, coz if not, I might be eating my ass off by now! =D

So yeah, I'm getting used to eating healthily and with the right portions, and about the workouts, slowly la kan. Baby steps, bak kata a friend of mine. Lets just hope for the best yeah. Wish me luck!! =]

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