Friday, October 31, 2008

Temptation = Weight Gain.

I think the title says everything! Since I'm back in college, whoa, can't stop looking for food lah! Even though I tried to control the food that I eat (the portion etc.), I'll end up rasa lapar gila and would also end up munching on something. Most of the time fruits lah. =] But, it's like temptation took over me la.

I'm currently having my final exams and I would usually not have breakfast, which should be a must. All because tak sempat. And when I'm studying, mesti ada masa nak think about food. Wuish. For me agak a big problem la. If this akan berterusan I could die of a heart attack! TEMPTATION IS YOUR WORST ENEMY. I kept reminding myself that. Somehow, temptation, once again took over. Gotta be stronger, don't I?

Kata-kata semangat:
Come on now, you can do it. Don't let your mind and temptation take control of you. When you make mistakes just keep moving forward. Same goes to your studies yeah. Do not strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. All the best!

Oh yeah, another thing you should keep in mind and say it again and again:



aisha said...

gotta say, this is an interesting entry.
liked the last bit.
we eat to live!

rizal yaakub said...

very interesting stuff you got here.. love it.