Friday, October 31, 2008

Temptation = Weight Gain.

I think the title says everything! Since I'm back in college, whoa, can't stop looking for food lah! Even though I tried to control the food that I eat (the portion etc.), I'll end up rasa lapar gila and would also end up munching on something. Most of the time fruits lah. =] But, it's like temptation took over me la.

I'm currently having my final exams and I would usually not have breakfast, which should be a must. All because tak sempat. And when I'm studying, mesti ada masa nak think about food. Wuish. For me agak a big problem la. If this akan berterusan I could die of a heart attack! TEMPTATION IS YOUR WORST ENEMY. I kept reminding myself that. Somehow, temptation, once again took over. Gotta be stronger, don't I?

Kata-kata semangat:
Come on now, you can do it. Don't let your mind and temptation take control of you. When you make mistakes just keep moving forward. Same goes to your studies yeah. Do not strike till the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking. All the best!

Oh yeah, another thing you should keep in mind and say it again and again:


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Kuala Lumpur Tercinta!

One thing IS for sure: Once I'm back in KL I'll be eating like no one's business no matter how hard I try! Period.

Well I was back home in KL for the weekends and there was a new, exciting, amazing discovery! Wanna know what it was? Well, a few years ago, I repeat, a few years ago, my parents were on vacation and they bought me and my sister a set of pajamas each. I still remember the first time I tried it on, yeah, it was ok, cuma fit-fit and a little too tight. That was in 2003 or 2004. I told my Mum I won't wear it sampailah dia betul-betul muat. So the other day when I was home, I found the PJs in my wardrobe and thought of trying it on for fun. Konon for old time's sake la ni. To my amazement, it fitted me well! Saya ulang, IT FITTED ME WELL! Yup. Was really, really surprised!

But then again, I blew it during my stay kat sane. My aunt and siblings were there and apparently my aunt cooked sangatlah macam-macam and I had no other choice but to eat that. Hehe. She cooked for her relatives who came to see her. Too bad I don't have pictures. Sorry. =[

Besides that, I was also out with my friends for dinner etc. We ate at Delicious (Ms. Read's) and boy, I'm already craving for their Caesar Salad! I've always heard of the place from my older sister and my parents (I haven't been there before). Well I got a taste of Delicious that night. My friends were right: They have the BEST Caesar Salad! Just look at it:

Tengok pon dah tau it's gonna be worth ordering for, right? Well that night (first time cuba), I had that and this:

Wild Mushroom Soup with Garlic Bread

Death by Iced Chocolate

Whoa. That was a really tempting name for an iced chocolate! Haha. Well I was there AGAIN and we had the same thing, cuma without the drink and the soup. We ordered the salad, Aglio Olio and Carbonara. We shared so I got a taste of all three. Agak full after eating and then, dessert came in mind. Oh my God. Sempat lagi nak think about that! I was unsure and my friends were still waiting for an answer. Haha. We ordered it anyways! This was what we had:

Something-something Pavlova

I DID NOT FEEL GUILTY AT ALL. It was really, really worth it! Freakin, damn good! Lagipon, it's meringue=egg whites. Not much harm, right? Only that cream part. But I heard from someone that it might be low in fat. Haa! Ok la tu. Hehe. And there's strawberries, kan? There, on top. Gosh, I'm craving for that now, too! Ms. Read, what have you done?

Well that was that, I also blew it off by having Dominos! Thanks to my lovely, lovely friend! Well she told me I should give it a rest once in a while or something like that. I slept at her house, so I had no choice! I told her I didn't want to, but I had to, or else she'll order Chicken Wings just for me! Dah la berlambak in a box! *Shrugs*

I had Dominos twice, actually. The second time, many thanks to my beloved uncle. The order was actually for my siblings yang dah nak balik and for other family members kat rumah dia, too. Including me, lah. Everyone was hungry ok! No fair if I just looked at it, kan?? But I didn't eat that much la, so yaay for me!

Now that I'm back in college I hope I can get back on track. My final exam is just around the corner so I hope I can selitkan a bit time to move around. Gotta still cuba to control the urge to makan, makan, makan. Til the next post!


P/s: To whom it may concern: I'm trying to post as often as I can ok? Sorry lah that there weren't a lot of posts everytime you checked it out. Don't stop checking eh! Hehe. Love you lots!! =]

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Raya Post

Well hello. Sudah lama tak tulis anything. Anyways, it has been a (very long) while since I got to online agak lama. Well this is my Raya post. First and foremost, Selamat Belated Raya Aidilfitri Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Gotta wish, don't I?
Well my Raya was ok. I mean, not that special, just ok jela. The first day of Raya was normal. The old ambik-gambar-raya sessions. This Raya, however, was a little different. We didn't celebrate it at home. We celebrated it in Australia, instead. The thing is, I have a sister who's currently studying in Perth and she can't come home for Raya. She invited us to come instead. My parents apparently ada rezeki sikit to go, so they brought us along lah. Yup. Didn't feel like Raya. More like a vacation lah. Negara orang, kot! Duhh.

Ok, moving on. Here are the pictures of what I ate from the beginning of my journey to Perth sampailah balik. Well, almost.

In-flight food: Nasi Lemak

Samosa, not like our normal ones

That's Garlic Naan. Fluffy, big and yummy!

Chocolate covered Macademian nuts in chocolate cups

The comfort of hot chocolate on a windy, cold morning

Mrs. Mac's Famous Beef Pie

Should have seen how the Chocolate Chip Muffin looked like before!

It's a Choc Honeycomb flavored milk

Chocolate Bubble Tea with Rainbow jelly

Preparing and waiting for the absolute:

THIS! The Seafood Platter

And the classic Fish and Chips. Tak sedap sangat, though

Homemade cooking. Rice, veggie and fish

Breakfast. Homemade cooking

Turkish "Murtabak"

Kuey Teow Goreng I got from a small yet nice noodle restaurant

In-flight food: Nasi Goreng with Ayam Masak Merah

Ok, glad that was over. Hehe. Everything that I showed were what WE (not only ME) had and they were really good minus the Fish and Chips and the Seafood Platter. That was just fine. Not too good. And if you noticed, there were also homemade cooking somewhere up there. This is because during our stay in Perth, we rented a holiday house. Therefore, we can cook. Therefore, me Mum went to the grocery store and bought stuff and cooked lah. But these were not only what we ate during the whole trip. There's more, but sadly no pictures. Just a little too late. *Shrugs*

So from what I showed nampak like I had waay too much, right? Wrong. I did try to control my food intake and I did succeed a little. Hey, at least ada effort jugak, right? Right?? And I did exercise, believe it or not. Since we stayed at a holiday house, my Dad and I walked around the neighborhood in the mornings. The breezy and cold, windy weather macam boosted up my energy and semangat to walk. I mean home is always warm and hot, even in the mornings. Membuatkan lagi malas dan tiada mood.

Oh and guess what? To 'motivate' me even more to lose weight, I bought clothes or should I say t-shirts for me to wear IF I manage to reach size 14. That means if I reach size 14 and could fit into one, I'll wear those t-shirts I bought. Gosh I wonder when will that be? But overall the trip was fun and ok. Spending time with your family ramai-ramai is always the best. And it felt good to see my sister after a few months.
I haven't exactly lost weight (I think), but my uncles mentioned that there's a slight difference on my body. For example, they said that my back looked a little firmer and curvier. Even some of my friends said that I lost a little weight. Good sign? I don't know. Can't get too full of myself. Gotta keep moving! Keep moving!! =]