Sunday, April 12, 2009

Help Me!!

I'm back home for the week. HELP ME!! HELP ME!!!
There's too much food which I can't or in other words I am FORBID to eat. For example, when I got home last night, was trying to make myself dinner and my beloved nanny told me that she cooked already and guess what she made? Nasi Pilaf with beef curry and grilled chicken with herbs. The rice was so fragrant I could smell it since I went through the front door! It was really irresistible and I told her that I couldn't eat any of those since I'm trying to lose a couple of lbs. Then she started saying all this stuff, "Penat je masak untuk awak. Balik-balik, tak nak makan apa yang dah masak. Dah la, lepas ni anything yang saye masak awak tak payah makan". WTF??

So in the end I ate what she cooked AND she asked me to tambah! Boleh goodness! But I guess you would do the same as well right? Memang IRRESISTIBLE. Then I thought takpelah, tomorrow morning I'm gonna have a healthier breakfast. Ehem. I didn't. Roti Canai was on the table and my nanny said roti dah abis if I nak toast them and this is all yang ada. AGAIN?? But I think it's slightly healthier than your average roti canai coz the one she made, she didn't use any oil. It was instant roti canai and dia just panaskan on the pan with no oil. So I think it was ok sikit la kot. Right? Oh well. Off to the gym jap lagi.

I guess I'm gonna do a little shopping for myself as well to get MORE veggies and MORE healthy food. =]

Til then!


chris federick said...

Omg reading ur blog makes me hungry. Everyting sounds and looks good. Sure u wan to reach size 14? Hmm...

Impossible..? said...

thank u for the compliment. i appreciate that. everyone's been saying that they look yummy as well. =]
but yeah, im still sticking to my goal. its still 14 for me. hopefully i'll reach it lah. =D

Anonymous said...

mr dear.....
np la ur entry ni sume bout food!
damn im starving!!!!!!
what the hell?!

Impossible..? said...

hahahaha what the hell? im gonna get what i want~. hahahaha

well it has a lot to do ngan nak cube kurus ni. hehe so nak keep my head in the game. haha