Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saya Kembali!

Hello. I know I haven't been writing in ages, and maybe this time, this time, while writing this post, I might have almost reach size 14. Sadly, I haven't lost that much weight, but I gained some instead. But no worries, I'm not in pain. I'm not in pain at all. Yet, I'm quite happy. Haha.

The thing is that, I did try to go on with the size-14-goal thing but somehow, I failed. I don't know what went wrong and what made me gain weight (the food lah! Duhh..) but the bottom line is that I, have failed. I think I stopped the whole process sebab I stopped thinking about it.

Give me this opportunity to make a comeback. Hehehe. I wanna give it another go because yeah, everyone deserves a second chance, and a third, and a fourth and so on. Hopefully, I'll manage to keep going and try again because failure is just another way of saying try harder.

Pray for me, yeah. =]


Anonymous said...

yeah !
lets have laili helping us.

Impossible..? said...

hahaha correcto mondo!

Anonymous said...

Belly Dance babe!